Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cultural Selection

In humans there are examples of alturistic behaviors that appear to be difficult to explain by kin selection of reciprocal altruism (e.g. soldiers sacrificing their lives in battle, police or firefighters risking their lives, catholic priests remaining celibate).

Genes are self replicating molecules. Genes produce our bodies which in turn produce more copies of their genes. Richard Dawkins has suggested that we think about genes as being "replicators" and our bodies as being "vehicles" whose job it is to make more copies of the replicators. If we can not explain altruistic behaviors as strategy for increasing the transmission of genes into the next generation them maybe we need to search for another kind of "replicator". Dawkins has suggested that "ideas" (he calls them "memes") are also capable of self replication. Because ideas differ in how long they survive and how well they are passed on it should be possible to have selection for ideas (cultural selection).

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to

- identify examples of altruistic behavior that might be explained by cultural selection
- be able to compare and contrast "natural selection" with "cultural selection"

Further Readings

Cultural evolution

As I mentioned in class, one of my favorite books of all time is "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkings. He discusses some of his ideas about cultural selection in the final chapter of this book. Here is a link to that chapter in case you are interested

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