Tuesday, February 17, 2009

CAM Photosynthesis

CAM photosynthesis is an alternative mode of photosynthesis found in some plants adapted to living in desert environments. CAM plants are able to separate the timing of carbon uptake from the timing of the use of carbon dioxide in the Calvin Cycle which reduces the water loss of these plants.

Critical Point- All of the nuts and bolts of photosynthesis (e.g., photosystems, light dependent reactions, and Calvin Cycle) take place the same in C3 and CAM plants.

Epected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to

- discus the timing of carbon uptake and glucose production in CAM plants
- discuss the advantages and disadvantages of CAM photosynthesis
- explain why CAM photosynthesis is limited to plants growing in arid environments
- compare and contrast photosynthesis if C3 and CAM plants

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