Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Final Thoughts

Many of you have worked hard this semester and have learned a great deal of biology. You should be congratulated for that. You still have a long way to go, so I encourage you to keep working hard. If you are frustrated by your performance in the course thus far don't be disappointed. You have two more midterms, lab, and the final exam to raise your grade so keep at it.

Thanks for making this a great semester. I have enjoyed getting to know some of you a little bit this semester and I look forward to getting to know more of you in the future. I would like to say that I will miss you all, but I am ready for a break! Have a great semester and keep in touch.

See you at the final,

Mark McG


  1. Hope you have fun in Malaysia and all those bats. Don't get lost in the forest at night or eaten by a tiger or leopard while your there.

  2. I meant to say with all those bats instead of and...I need to learn how to proofread this stuff before posting.

  3. Have fun on your trip. It was awesome having you as our BIOL teacher. You definitely made class more entertaining
